What A Way To Go: Life at the End of Empire - Watch Online Video

What A Way To Go: Life at the End of Empire

by Tim Bennett and Sally Erickson

What A Way To Go: Life at the End of EmpireSee also: Online Video Section, Why the Global Economy is About to Crash, What To Do About the Upcoming Economic Crash, Books About Survival in the Future Hard Times, What is Peak Oil?, Why is Peak Oil a Problem, How to Get Started

The person who posted this on YouTube describes it as

"Share this, mirror this, favorite this...watch this more than once

A middle class white guy comes to grips with Peak Oil, Climate
Change, Mass Extinction, Population Overshoot and the demise of the
American Lifestyle

everyone needs to see this

the most important film Ever.

finally, a truth documentary WITH SOLUTIONS"

It's also my favourite of the peak oil movies that I've seen, and the most emotionally engaging (especially the first 20-30 minutes which is more like poetry than documentary).

Watch the Video

What A Way To Go: Life at the End of Empire on DVD

You can buy this as a proper DVD from www.whatawaytogomovie.com. You can also buy it as a digital download. Unlike most film makers, they have made the movie available on their own site for free online viewing, proving that they are really "one of the good guys".

Contrary to popular lore, independent filmmakers are rarely affluent. Most, in fact, go into deep debt making a film and only occasionally get back out of debt. We made What A Way To Go through local fundraising, investing our own capital, and thousands of hours of sweat equity. We are not in debt and feel very grateful.

We’ve decided to release the movie for free Internet viewing with the intention of being of service. However, we have never made even minimum wage for the thousands of hours we put into the making of the movie.

If you value what you see here, please show your appreciation by purchasing a DVD or Bonus footage discs, downloading the movie through Filmbaby, or making a donation.

Thank You!

See Also

Online Video Section
What is Peak Oil?
Why is Peak Oil a Problem
Why the Global Economy is About to Crash
What To Do About the Upcoming Economic Crash
Books About Survival in the Future Hard Times
World Scientists' Warning to Humanity
Fractional Reserve Banking and the Need for Economic Growth
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What A Way To Go: Life at the End of Empire - Watch Online Video

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